Posts Tagged ‘christianity’


January 5, 2013

My Fellow Christians:  Everyone  working at the Rejoice Radio [RBN]  has something good to say about Dr.Don Smith. Ask any of his associates or casual friends and they are quick to tell you how much they appreciate the elderly gentleman.  What they love about Don is his professionalism and extraordinary talents; talents that he has honed over the years and have finally  paid  off.

But things were not always as good as they are now with Don.  It was an uphill battle for Don to  finally enjoy a stable economic future.   Don always loved the acting profession and he started on his chosen road early in life.  But as many others have experienced ,it’s seldom an easy proposition finding steady work as a thespian.

Dr. Don Smith; his stage name, never  made it in  the theater, and quickly learned that he probably never would. And not for trying ,wherever summer stock  was found ,there was Don ;and he did enjoy a few bit parts.  Nothing to brag about ,and certainly nothing to live on.

 The last best  hope and refuge for those who cannot live apart from the world of acting and pretending  has always been radio. But here as well ,employment is quite often illusory at best  ;given the incredibly large number of bit part actors, desperately looking for  work.

So one can well imagine the ecstatic state of joy that filled the deep void in Don’s heart when by chance he came across a want ad for a bit part at a Christian radio station ,way out there in Pensacola.   Something about the way the ad was written spoke to him . They were looking for a sincere senior citizen that could aid a  dedicated group of Christians hoping to

 reach out to all  the elderly throughout the Bible-Belt and the nation.

Don Smith was just the guy all the salivating vultures over at RBN were looking for. And because of his efforts the money started rolling in. For this he was awarded the charlatan of the year award . and there were many runner ups. The closest to winning was the kid that continues his famous one liner :you can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them. This is his famous trademark in scam artistry.

By cornering a young co-ed and asking her to lean against him to see if she can break God’s promises was something he uses to take advantage of all the gullible co-eds . He would tell her that he had God’s promises and would insist that she press hard to see how HARD IT WAS. this is how he gave vent to his depraved instincts. and for this he almost won.

Everyone had a chance of winning, but it was Don.s extraordinary acting ability that did it for the judges. Don insisted that all the cash in the envelopes of the dupes listening to his family prayertime racket belonged to him, and so was able to scam the operators of RBN as much as the listening public.

But everyone had a chance and everyone associated with RBN or VCY AMERICA had an honest chance of winning. They even entered the names of some of the callers to the crosstalk program produced in the radio studios of VCY AMERICA.
included were the names of Harry the happy homo from port Huron and Robert the charismatic crossdressing homosexual from Birmingham england. These two are now an item and it looks like Robert has finally found true love. And Harry states that Robert dressing as Cinderella poses no problem as long as he can dress as the PRINCE and can slip the lost slipper on Robert’s fat foot. The Christian morality committee vetoes the nomination of these two degenerates.
And so Dr. Don became the 2012 winner of the CHARLATAN of the year award.

Included in the finalists were the names of KEN HAM,IAN TAYLOR, JOHN MORRIS , and Bethany Crawford ,known for all of her cheating and many marriages.

And come to think of it , the two defrocked lying scumbags pretending to be bible teachers : JOHN DUNLAP and the Judas Iscariot of the bunch: Dr. JOEL JEW JEW MULLINEX. this bastard is as filthy as he’s false.

This has been your good news commentator bringing you more GOOD NEWS. GOOD DAY AND GOOD NEWS TO YOU!!

The Seduction of Christian Radio[R.B.N.]and the Perversion of Lying Charlatans Mixing Politics,Biology and the Christian Faith.

December 15, 2012

My Fellow Christians: We live in a universe made of stars ,planets and moons. We live in a world that spins on its axis and is followed by a moon ,and together they orbit the sun ;without which, life itself would end . There are no dark phantoms hovering overhead desiring to destroy us or wishing us evil.

All of the many problems man faces, living on planet Earth, are a result of human stupidity ,and can only be resolved by people of greater intelligence. The Almighty will not do for mankind what mankind can do for itself . He will not answer the prayers of the lazy or indolent or of those who have surrendered the will to survive ;but eagerly He blesses the work and resolve of all who put their faith and trust in His work ; both in the natural and spiritual realm.

We cannot close our eyes to the truth and only choose to see the world as we would wish it to be ;but at all times , we should endeavor to face the icy-cold reality of life and the world, as it exists.
My Christian Faithful :We live in a world of eternal struggle ,a world where the weak are exploited by the strong ; where the sick are left to die and where the decent and moral Christian Community is subjected to every form of charlatanism that the corrupted mind of man can imagine.

The Church ,often times in the past, was presented as an Ark of Safety , within which the Christian Community could find help , salvation and the means to survive.

This is not the case today ,and few now believe it ever was the case.
Today ,we live in a nation where Playboy is the Gospel and the only inspiration women seek is in the hot pursuit of the BIG “O”.

Today the church no longer exists as the great Nazarene intended it to be, but represents the very antithesis of what it means to be the “Pillar of Truth” and a beacon of light . The church today is nothing more than a carefully gilded fund-raising organization ,dedicated to providing the clever and crafty clergy and other inner circle elitists, a means by which they can enjoy a privileged and luxury lifestyle.
In other words ,the church, instead of defending the Christian faithful has sold them out to the very sworn enemies of Jesus Christ . The church leadership, instead of feeding the Lord’s flock has in effect stolen from it the necessary provisions for life. Instead of caring for the flock, they have chosen to fleece it.

The church leadership ,looking out for itself, has now become the very exploiters and perverters of God’s truth, happy to join forces with the enemies of all that is decent and compassionate ,with all that represents true religion. And while they claim to know the mind of God ,they refuse to show that they can live according to the WILL OF GOD.
And now that we can see these Judas Iscariots for what they are ,the final problem that must be solved and it will be solved ,is how to best defend the Christian Faith Community from the ravages of these demon inspired stooges of the international plague.

The problem begins with the eagerness to believe whatever comes out of the lying mouths of these anointed deceivers. This, in no small part can be attributed to the gullibility of the average Christian. The inability to consider the idea that the CHURCH no longer exists as the legitimate BODY of CHRIST ;that the pastor or bible teacher of the church they attend ,is really not what he appears to be.

Churches today do all in their power to convince their membership that they represent true biblical teachings and point to their history and age-old presence throughout the world. This does not prevent them from being deceived or from the lure of political power and financial gain. This can be seen within the venerable Halls of the Holy Apostles, where demons ring the bells and light the candles ,and where the only book you hear read is inspired from verses taken from out of the TALMUD. The Talmud is a book whose writings are so intrinsically evil they could have only been concocted inside the brain of a demon.
But today’s Christian is faced with more than the lies and deceptive frauds he encounters attending his local church. He in fact faces an even more demonic effort aimed directly at abusing and exploiting him at every turn in the road.

This gang ,known to all as television and radio evangelists, attempt to provide something of a substitute form of in home church participation. Knowing as they do the great amount of financial and sexual abuse that millions of less astute Christians have faced in the past;they present themselves as the only legitimate alternative .

And while they attempt to cloak themselves in a veneer of religiosity through the use of christian themed music or clever story telling ,it only takes a strong desire to see through the clever charade they present you with, to come to the only conclusion a thinking individual can come to;and that they too have betrayed the Body of Christ in exchange for more than thirty pieces of silver. All those involved in this type of legally accepted religion racketeering make billions of dollars off the incredibly imbecilic BAPTIST/FUNDAMENTALIST/EVANGELICAL crowd. The lure of big money is hard to resist for these clever charlatans ,knowing as they do the seductive nature of their non-stop Gospel music cavalcade of sentimentality. In other words they know what a bunch of stupid suckers their listenership is and how easy it is to convince them of their good Christian intentions.
One of the best in the fraudulent Christian Radio business is the programming called REJOICE RADIO and can be heard worldwide on the internet.

Here ,you can hear some of the best planned presentations designed to trick and deceive the credulous in all Radio. Aside from the usual old-time music and old-fashioned preaching from sermons of recycled bible teachers ,who were formerly part of the Christian Radio business themselves ,they never cease to brain wash their listeners with some of the most incredibly deceptive tactics that attempt to explain the scientific basis to “OUR CHRISTIAN FAITH.” As they put it.
The more they dumb down the already half-educated audience the more likely it is they will hold on to their donations and in fact continue to expand their operations.

These clever religion racketeers operate from the studios of Pensacola Christian College located in the very heart of one of America’s sexually depraved resort communities. This would be enough to make even a blind man realize that something could be wrong. Everything they pitch to the morons who listen is deliberately crafted to trick and deceive their audience.
Can one realistically explain the scientific basis to our faith or any other faith? This is the laughable basis of everything you hear from out of the criminal minded brains of those working the six-day creation scam. Pretending to speak for true science they paint a convoluted idea of the natural world. At some point one wonders whether they are hearing a sane person or a bed time story-teller, trying to put an overactive five-year old to sleep.
And this is how they treat their listenership over there at RBN . As if they were children in need of a calming down. The best frauds ever to be found in the six-day creation scam, and the Noah’s Ark business and theme park are the INSTITUTE of CREATION RESEARCH and The Ken Ham amusement park enterprise ,also known as THE CREATION MUSEUM.

Added to this bunch of money-grubbing charlatans you will find the name of IAN TAYLOR and John Morris and the list goes on and on.

My Christian comrades,there is no scientific basis to our Christian faith. If one were to appear it would be fraudulent and therefore unchristian.

If one could find such a basis it would make of Christianity nothing more than a branch of science .Or it would turn science into another Christian denomination. If faith were scientific in any form it would not be faith . If science depended on faith ,then it would hardly be called science.

The average Baptist/ Fundamentalist/Evangelical is a product of over a century of clever brainwashing by some of the world’s gifted cheats and swindlers.
The main argument these lying bastards pose to the less astute is the inerrancy of Holy Writ. And this has a ring of plausibility to it for all those who are ignorant of how the Bible was written and compiled. This would be persuasive if the Bible were written by one author for a singular purpose and in one period of time. But IT WAS NOT!

Genesis was written to explain the origins of man and matter in the only language understandable when it was written. Can it be deceptive and false and still be God’s word? The answer can only be understood when the creation story is read in the light of poetic license. How else could it have been written. Parables in the bible as with poetry or any world literature is designed to inspire and nothing more. Parables do not have to be geographically accurate or historically or even theologically correct to convey a spiritual truth,and nothing more.
This is the reason the Book of Exodus cannot be verified by archeologists or Egyptologists,having found nothing at all in the historical record to support the events outlined in the second book of the Bible.
Of course this understanding would deprive all of these money-grubbing vultures of a huge income and force them to find an alternate means of support. It would put Ken Ham and Ian Taylor out of business and expose these scumbags for the hucksters they truly are. But then again ,they would be forced to put together a different fraudulent presentation designed to separate you from your dough.

Now ask yourselves this question my Christian Faithful;would you turn your backs on THE LORD JESUS CHRIST because science can prove that the earth is many billions of years old? Do you claim to love the Lord but your faith and trust in Him is so shallow that you would walk away from Him because science disproves the NOAH’S ARK and flood story? It’s time not to question science but to question your true committment to the Lord and His work. Is your love for Christ true or dependent on what all the scam artists brainwash you with on a daily basis on Christian Broadcast Radio? Keep in mind that the Gospel narratives are based on extant events ;recorded as they happened, and were written in the form of letters and historical accounts, witnessed by real people . Their main purpose was to tell and describe the events that led to the crucifixion of the Great Nazarene. They were not written in part or in whole to be poetic. In fact ,the Gospel narratives read like the raw reportage found in your local paper,written seemingly by a journalist who had also been eye-witness to the actual event.
But this doesn’t fit the narrative of the jokers who run the ICR citadel of fraud and purveyor of sleight of hand biology. Where did the saber tooth tigers go? Were they on NOAH’s Ark as well ,sleeping with the little lambs and goats? Don’t let these lying bastards make fools and goats out of you my comrades.

As if this were not bad enough,if this were not reason enough to be of concern ,given the large number of those marginal Christians who will become delusioned and lose the little faith they may have ,thanks to the criminal minded bastards working their con jobs on Christian radio;the other aspect is the combining of political and religion to the equation.

The lying bastard over at VCY AMERICA, who preaches hate and violence on the crosstalk america program has again reason to rejoice over the fruits of his labor . The murder of school children by the mentally unstable speaks volumes to the effectiveness of this blood thirsty son of a bitch. The Christian faith has nothing to do with politics,especially the politics of violence. We live in a nation which has the highest per capita incidence of mental disability and also has the most liberal gun laws of any other country in the industrialized world. And thanks to the filthy blood thirsty bastards at VCY AMERICA the morons in his audience are encouraged to buy and use weapons to settle disputes. And this is what they call a Christian ministry and derive huge monetary rewards for placating the international maggots they slavishly work for. This plague on humanity revels at the sight of Christian blood and encourage as much blood shed as possible . This is the modern form of the Blood Ritual practiced during the middle ages.

And Vic Eliason and Jim the chimp Schneider are there to promote every bloody cause and deception plaguing mankind.
A nation cannot for long allow hubris to accumulate at its doorstep before the universal laws of retribution take their toll on the people of that nation. We cannot continue to applaud the murder of innocent Palestinian children ,providing the means by which they are massacred, from out of the common purse, and not understand that hubris is invariably followed by Nemesis the eternal goddess of merciless retribution. The Support we render to Israel and which has resulted in the slaughter of innocents in ancient Palestine cannot but lead to the iron clad decree of :”EYE FOR AN EYE,TOOTH FOR A TOOTH”a child for a child a school for a school. . The decrees rendered in the eternal courtroom of justice cannot be appealed.

The best way to deal with all of these religion criminals is to scorn them ! Ridicule them and expose their crimes to the world.


ISABEL LA CATOLICA : greatest monarch in history.

December 10, 2012

>> «La beatificación de Isabel la Católica sería muy importante para las relaciones entre Europa y América». Entrevista a Luis Suárez, historiador y testigo en el proceso de beatificación. 

españoles en pie.

MADRID, 3 abril 2003 ( Luis Suárez, miembro de la Real Academia de la Historia y Premio Nacional de Historia 2002, está reconocido internacionalmente como un profundo conocedor de la reina Isabel la Católica.

El próximo 22 de abril participará en el acto homenaje organizado por la Comisión «Isabel la Católica” para impulsar su Causa de Beatificación, que se realizará en la Casa de América de Madrid. La redacción de Zenit ha conversado con el historiador

–¿Por qué Isabel la Católica es una figura histórica tan controvertida, con defensores y detractores declarados?

–Luis Suárez: Yo no lo sé, a mí me sorprende también que ocurra una cosa así. En otros países no habría la menor duda, pero a mí me da la impresión de que influyen dos cosas fundamentales: Isabel iza la unidad española y ya estamos viendo que hay personas a quienes esto molesta, desearían que España volviera otra vez a la prehistoria o a la época de los arévacos, y naturalmente ésta es una de las razones; la otra es porque Isabel, como su título oficial (que no es un apodo) indica, hizo del catolicismo la clave fundamental para el reconocimiento de los derechos humanos en España y en América, y hoy el catolicismo también es objeto de debate que influye indirectamente en esta figura.

El hecho de que se expulsara a los judíos de España, yo diría mejor, se prohibiera la práctica del judaísmo (porque el judío que se convertía no se debía marchar) también ha creado un ambiente negativo en torno a su persona, porque no se tiene en cuenta que esta medida fue una medida general en Europa, y que España en realidad fue la última en aplicarla, y lo hizo cuando ya no quedaba otro remedio, cuando las presiones desde fuera eran sumamente fuertes. Pero no hay ninguna figura europea, de las que tanto nos vanagloriamos ahora, a quien no puedan atribuírsele errores, como fue éste el caso, un error no particular de los gobernantes de España, sino de toda la cristiandad occidental, en todos los reinos; el judaísmo estaba prohibido desde mucho tiempo atrás en Inglaterra y en Francia, en Nápoles, y prácticamente en toda Europa, sólo quedaban algunos pequeños lugares, muy pocos en donde se autorizase, por consiguiente es la norma general. No veo otras razones ni otros motivos para esta controversia.

–¿No cree que también en torno al papel de la reina en la conquista de América existe esta controversia?

–Luis Suárez: Bueno, la conquista de América fue una de las cosas mejores que se pudieron hacer nunca. La reina no conquista América, la descubre, es la primera en muchos siglos que reconoce que los habitantes de América son hombres como los demás, que han sido redimidos por Cristo y tienen que ver reconocidos sus derechos humanos. Sin esta postura de Isabel la Católica no se habría llegado a la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, que repite prácticamente lo que ella dijo, que Dios nos ha hecho a todos libres, iguales y en búsqueda de la felicidad, y ése es su testamento.

Por eso en América no hay una oposición, al contrario, existe un poco la actitud opuesta de decir «pero bueno, cómo esos europeos pueden ser tan ciegos que no se den cuenta de que aquello fue el gran momento». Luego, por razones políticas siempre hay gente que empieza a hablar de las atrocidades que se cometieron. América en el siglo XVII es un oasis de paz al lado de lo que es Europa; Europa vivía por, para y en la guerra, una guerra, la de los 30 años, que alcanzó niveles de crueldad nunca antes imaginados; en América, la guerra era una palabra casi desconocida; naturalmente que había delitos, como en todas partes; eso es inseparable del hombre.

–Como investigador y profundo conocedor de la reina ¿qué rasgo destacaría de su personalidad, a nivel de política, de madre y de reina? En general, ¿qué virtudes y qué defectos ha visto al estudiar este personaje?

–Luis Suárez: Yo creo que Isabel fue mujer antes que reina. Y aplicó el sentido de la feminidad, la intuición, el afecto, la capacidad comprensiva, a todas sus empresas. Es verdad que tuvo la suerte de contar a su lado con un rey como Fernando, que en algunos aspectos la superaba, en otros no, y que hubo entre ambos un entendimiento tan completo que no se puede hablar de una política de uno y de una política de otro, pero lo que establece de una manera clara Isabel es el derecho de la mujer a reinar.

En España no se había producido como en Francia una negativa tan rotunda al reconocimiento de los derechos de las mujeres, pero estos derechos eran más para ser transmitidos a los hijos o a los maridos que para ser ejercidos por ellas mismas. Isabel establece el principio contrario: no hay diferencia en cuanto a la capacidad de gobierno entre hombre y mujer, y así educa a sus hijas, y así procede ella misma también.

Luego, Isabel fue muy consciente de una doctrina heredada de la Edad Media, según la cual todos los poderes del Estado y toda la legislación tienen que someterse al orden moral; éste está por encima de cualquier otra consideración, es lo que ella está procurando mostrar en todo momento; por ejemplo, hablábamos antes de cuando se toma la decisión de prohibir el judaísmo, pues hay una preocupación que no había habido en los otros reinos de Europa, hay una preocupación de que los judíos dispongan de un plazo para decidir, y además, tengan disponibilidad de todos sus bienes para que nadie pudiera decir que había un perjuicio material en lo que entonces se consideraba como un beneficio moral, que es la unidad religiosa.

Aparte de esto, ella mostraba en su actitud diaria una enorme comprensión ante las debilidades de los demás. En el testamento aparece constantemente esta preocupación: rectificar los daños que hayamos podido causar, reparar todo. Una mujer y un marido, porque yo aquí no veo diferencia entre uno y otro, que al término de una guerra civil son capaces de eliminar toda clase de represalias y de pactar con aquellos que estuvieron sublevados en su contra y les negaban, para garantizarles que no van a sufrir perjuicio ninguno, sino que van a seguir desempeñando las funciones sociales y el nivel que hasta entonces ocupaban, eso es un ejemplo de primera categoría, y eso lo logran; por eso es una guerra civil que se cierra sin resentimientos, cosa muy difícil, porque lo normal en las guerras civiles es que se creen resquemores que afloran incluso a veces después de décadas muy largas; ella lo evita.

Ella tiene por ejemplo la intuición, a pesar de todos los informes en contra, y los informes tenían razón (Colón estaba diciendo que iba a llegar a China, y era imposible llegar a China), que le permite patrocinar la empresa pensando «algo se podrá encontrar»; esa intuición es uno de los rasgos verdaderamente importantes.

Luego yo veo otro rasgo también: la confianza que tenía en algunas personas no fue desmentida en ningún momento, es decir, los colaboradores duran hasta el final de su vida; es capaz además de mostrarles un enorme afecto.

–Esto confirma su gran intuición…

–Luis Suárez: Indudablemente ella sabía muy bien elegir a la gente, porque se guiaba más bien por el carácter de la persona que por otra cosa. Por eso claro, le rodea gente que siente hacia ella un afecto sin límites, sienten por la reina una adhesión que sin embargo se mueve en el terreno de la lealtad y no de la fidelidad; en la Castilla de entonces se hacía muy bien la diferencia entre estas dos palabras, fiel es el que sigue al señor sin preguntarse por la justicia de su causa, leal es aquel que procura que el señor no vaya a cometer injusticia.

Isabel quiere rodearse de leales, de gente que como don Fernando de Talavera en determinado momento le puede decir «Señora, por aquí no, esto no, es una equivocación»; gente como Cisneros, que la primera vez que le administra el sacramento de la Penitencia le dice «de rodillas», y la reina se pone de rodillas; según la vieja costumbre, los reyes se confesaban sentados, pero Isabel no.

Es muy difícil decir muchas más cosas de éstas. Por ejemplo, ella se siente portuguesa por su madre, indudablemente habla portugués, en un momento en que las relaciones entre Portugal y Castilla desembocan hasta en una guerra, su empeño siempre es volver a restablecer esa amistad, y lo consigue claro, al final es como si Castilla y Portugal fuesen una misma y sola cosa.

Hay que ver lo que es el Tratado de Tordesillas, el mayor modelo de concordia que se puede establecer entre dos países, en un momento en que se estaba jugando el destino del mundo, y sin embargo ellos se sientan en torno a una mesa para intentar compaginar los intereses de unos y otros a fin de que todos quedaran conformes, y eso se hace; eso no se había dado nunca y pocas veces se dará después; eso es un sueño que tienen los Estados. Del Tratado de Tordesillas nacen las bulas en relación con América diciendo «eso no es un imperio, eso no son colonias».

Es un error decir que España tuvo un imperio, un error gravísimo, a mí me indigna cada vez que alguien lo dice; España no tuvo colonias, tuvo reinos y tuvo ciudadanos al otro lado del mar. Para hacer trampa con esta situación, los grandes propietarios, siglos después, tuvieron que comprar negros ya esclavos en África para poder introducir allí esa servidumbre a la que aspiraban, porque las leyes de Castilla se lo impedían radicalmente: ningún indio podía ser esclavo.

Eso es esa mujer, esa mujer que una vez le escribe al marido una carta; el marido ha sufrido un atentado y está grave y le dice «acuérdate de que tenemos que rendir cuentas ante Dios, y las cuentas que nos va a pedir a nosotros, los reyes, son mucho más estrechas que las que pide a ninguno de nuestros súbditos».

–Respecto a la causa de beatificación de Isabel la Católica, ¿qué importancia tendría para usted que la Iglesia la declarara oficialmente beata?

–Luis Suárez: No me cabe la menor duda de que la beatificación de Isabel sería en estos momentos un dato muy positivo en relación con esa comunicación que hay entre Europa y América, porque supondría tanto como reconocer que América –me refiero a la América hispánica, portuguesa (eso que ahora los franceses quieren que llamemos América latina, no entiendo muy bien por qué)– tiene un marchamo de nobleza y de dignidad. Utilizando una frase del Papa, sería convertir en oficial esa afirmación de que ninguna obra ha hecho Europa tan importante como la creación de las naciones americanas, en las que está además el futuro, y eso se debe al empeño de España de llevar allá lo que tenía de más valor: el cristianismo.

Yo siempre digo que España no llevó a América más que dos cosas, el caballo y el Padrenuestro; pero el caballo es el sentimiento de la caballería, es el respeto a la palabra dada, es el cumplir con la realidad; el Padrenuestro es amar al prójimo como a uno mismo, ni más ni menos. Y a mí me parece que la beatificación de Isabel vendría a ser como el marchamo oficial a decir «todo esto es lo que verdaderamente se ha hecho; pongan ustedes los defectos que les dé la gana, pero ahora, lo que tienen al otro lado del mar es un mundo que se está preparando para tomar las riendas en el siglo XXI, en él está el futuro».

–De alguna manera ¿este reconocimiento oficial dejaría sin ningún tipo de credibilidad la leyenda negra?

–Luis Suárez: Claro, indudablemente. La leyenda negra no es más que un vehículo de propaganda, explicable, en un momento de guerra terrible en Europa, porque no se refería a América al principio, sino a Europa, en un momento terrible porque hay que poner en marcha todos los recursos de los que uno dispone para destruir al adversario, y uno de los recursos es precisamente ese. A ello estamos asistiendo constantemente; no hay guerra en donde al enemigo se le presente de otra manera que como la encarnación del diablo o algo así.

Indudablemente despejaría el aspecto más esencial de esa leyenda negra, aquél que recogió una vez un artículo de la Enciclopedia en Francia (que explica que se prohibiese la venta del libro en España) en donde el autor llegaba a la conclusión de que si España no hubiera existido no se habría perdido nada; vendría a ser como decir, gracias a que España existió está todo eso ahí. Si España no hubiera existido ,¿existiría Viena? Tal vez no. ¿Existiría el catolicismo francés o italiano? Tal vez no. ¿Existirían las naciones americanas con lo que tienen hoy de profundos valores humanos? Seguramente no. Yo siento cuando he ido a América una gran emoción y un enorme afecto, porque uno allí se siente en casa, y hay que ver lo que eso significa.

–¿Usted forma parte de la comisión Isabel la Católica que se ha creado para impulsar la causa de beatificación?

–Luis Suárez: Yo fui testigo en el proceso, por eso estoy bajo juramento que prohíbe repetir lo que dije entonces. Ahora formo parte de la Comisión que funciona en Valladolid, bajo la presidencia del señor arzobispo.

–De cualquier forma, si se la beatifica, va a ser fundamentalmente por su conducta moral ¿Qué aspectos religiosos de la reina, de su piedad, de su espiritualidad, ha visto en sus investigaciones?

–Luis Suárez: La caridad. Sobre todo la caridad. Piense por ejemplo en los hijos ilegítimos de la mujer de Enrique IV, Pedro y Andrés; ella los recoge, los educa y los cuida. Cuida también de los ilegítimos de su marido, cuida de los hijos del cardenal Mendoza, y siente hacia todos ellos una obligación de afecto que va más allá del simple ejercicio de la caridad.

Una vez que fray Hernando de Talavera le criticó por esta conducta diciendo «da la impresión de que usted está legitimando el fruto del pecado», ella respondió que lo importante era evitar que esas almas se perdieran, y llamando a uno de los niños, hijo del cardenal Mendoza, le gastó una broma a fray Hernando y le dijo: «¿verdad que son muy bellos los pecados de mi cardenal?». ZENITESPAÑA03040313



Cardenal Amigo pide conocer la verdad y no el “mito” de Isabel La Católica

SEVILLA, 24 May. 2005 (ACI).- El Arzobispo de Sevilla, Cardenal Carlos Amigo Vallejo, pidió revisar el “mito” de Isabel La Católica más allá de los perjuicios que determinados acontecimientos históricos le atribuyen a su imagen.

El Purpurado hizo este llamado durante el XVI Simposio de Historia de la Iglesia en España y América ´en el centenario de Isabel la Católica´ que organiza la Academia de Historia Eclesiástica de Sevilla.

En la inauguración del evento, el Cardenal Amigo Vallejo dijo sobre la reina Isabel que “la más perjudicada, aparte de la historia, fue ella misma, por la Inquisición persiguiendo a los judíos, la reducción de los derechos de los nobles o la reforma de la Iglesia”. Por ello, opinó que hay que volver a analizar a una mujer que propició entre otras cuestiones un nuevo modelo político, la unidad de España.

El acto contó con la presencia del nuncio de Su Santidad en España, Mons. Manuel Monteiro y el periodista protestante César Vidal, además de destacados historiadores y especialistas.

La conferencia inaugural, a cargo del catedrático de Historia Medieval de la Universidad de Valladolid, Julio Valdeón, versó sobre las medidas de protección a los judíos dictadas por la reina Isabel o por los Reyes Católicos, concluyendo que la iniciativa de la expulsión fue de Fernando el Católico.

Así, el historiador aseguró que, como argumento en contra de la canonización de Isabel La Católica, el de la expulsión de los judíos de España no es válido por que “no hay fundamento para culparla de la expulsión”.

How Harry from Port Huron and Robert from Birmingham,England promote the Christmas Spirit all over the world.

November 27, 2012

 This is Robert ,from Birmingham,England dressed up as Cinderella . This will be his newest outfit for the Christmas holidays.  

Cinderella Wallpaper 

My Dear Christian People:  Robert from Birmingham .England was recently asked what his favorite  season  of the year was ,and he   immediately responded by  saying that for him ,Christmas was the  best. He went on to explain to the local news reporter from:


Birmingham Post Newspaper from Birmingham, England that  Christmas allowed him to just be himself and to experiment with new outfits.

For those not familiar with Robert from Birmingham England, he is the international correspondent, reporting now and then  into the Crosstalk program ,produced by Vic Eliason and his wholly owned broadcast network : VCY AMERICA. Robert calls in on the #800 line available internationally to everyone following the crosstalk call-in talk show by INTERNET.

When the reporter from the post asked him what his favorite Christmas Carol was ,Robert replied without the slightest hesitation :D eck the Halls With Boughs of Holly. The reason will be clear to everyone. 

  One quick glance at the verse of this Carol should explain Robert’s preference for this happy Christmas tune.

Deck the hall with boughs of holly,
Fa la la la la la la la la.
‘Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Don we now our gay apparel….  ; this is the line in the verse  that creates in Robert feelings of pure joy for    the Christmas season.
Troll the ancient Christmas carol,
Fa la la la la la la la la.
See the blazing yule before us,
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Strike the harp and join the chorus.
Fa la la la la la la la la.
Follow me in merry measure,
While I tell of Christmas treasure,
Fa la la la la la la la la.
You  see ,Robert from Birmingham England is a charismatic sounding  cross-dressing homosexual, and he  loves to dress up for the holidays.
The rest of the year Robert  from Birmingham .England ,remains true to his inner self and steadfastly continues to appear  to all his faithful following as: MARY POPPINS.
  Well, this is ROBERT in his favorite drag outfit. Here he is flying over London ,dressed as Mary Poppins.  Robert is a notorious charismatic sounding ,cross dressing homosexual

mary poppins

 who quite often calls in to the crosstalk call-in show to  pay his respect ,as well as his  love and admiration  for Vic Eliason and the entire staff of charlatans  ,busily deceiving and swindling   their vast radio audience ,across the U.S. and round the world ,thanks to the internet.

Robert listens on the internet and calls in toll-free.

 Robert thinks the cross talk show  is for Christian  cross dressers.

AS predicted ,the great  Christians working the turntables at RBN have already started every rendition imaginable of DECK THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY ,to feed and nourish ROBERT’S SICK SOUL!    thanks guys. what would robert do without you?

But there’s more.  Recently Happy Harry the homo from Port Huron who also is a regular caller to the crosstalk america  call-in talk show, decided to call the  Rejoice Radio broadcast network to speak with Caleb Keener.

Caleb is one of  RBN’s prime movers and shakers, and so  Harry thought he would be the one to contact about doing more to promote the holiday spirit in the U.S.A. and especially where it’s needed most :right there in Pensacola, Florida.

The first thing Harry said to Caleb was” I love you and your people”  This is basically how Harry speaks to all the great guests that Vic invites to appear on his call-in talk show called CROSSTALK. This program is heard daily over 94 stations ,coast to coast.   And so he thought he would try  this approach  on Caleb.

But  HARRY’S REPUTATION PRECEEDED HIM AND ALL THE” Good old boys” that hang out with Caleb;all his drinking buddies, quickly advised him about Harry and in fact chided him a little about any plans he might have in case Harry showed  up in Pensacola or at the studios of Rejoice Radio.   Caleb responded by saying “oh no not another one” He recently received a letter from Robert wishing him a very  Merry Christmas.

The way Caleb took care of any potential meeting with Harry the homo  or with Robert from Birmingham was to advise all the” Good Old Boys “Caleb  hangs with   that:” If any one of those two queers shows up around here ,tell them one or both that I have a knuckle sandwich to give either one, if they come anywhere near here.” problem solved!  That’s how country boys take care of things. !

But to the credit of REJOICE RADIO [RBN] and all their wonderful staff of dedicated Christians ,they did consent to play DECK THE HALLS With Boughs of holly as many times as possible to make  ROBERT HAPPY . Or at least as many times they play:” AIN’T GONNA NEED THIS HOUSE NO LONGER ,AINT GONNA NEED THIS HOUSE NO MORE”

[Craig Mattson and Jimmy Mince will see to it,I’m sure of that. ]….

Harry  is quick with the patronizing compliments he  extends to Vic and his co-laborer ; Jim the chimp.

He often greets the guests with words of encouragement such as; “Great show guys , we need to hear more of this. great topic Vic ,how can we help Jim?”  And finally we hear from Harry’s lips the tender words:” I love you and I love your people“.    Is  Harry trying to make friends on the air with Vic’s guests,or what? And friends for what purpose?    .. Is  Harry looking for phone numbers ?

Now ,whether it’s Harry the homo or Robert from Birmingham ,England: the Charismatic cross dressing homosexual  , does it make sense for Vic and Jim the chimp to damn the degenerates in society and at the same time invite and encourage  these two reprobates to socialize on the air with the invited guests.  And has in fact hired Robert to  provide him with an international footprint for his otherwise convoluted  radio program,designed to cheat the gullible out of their hard-earned money.

The best way to deal with these rotten bastards is to see them for what they truly are: a bunch of money-grubbing charlatans simply out to make an easy living  for themselves by cheating,  and swindling the Christian community for all their worth. Don’t ever give these sons of bitches a dime, EVER!. ditto for the scumbags over at REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK[RBN]

This has been your GOOD NEWS   Commentator with more Good  NEWS  .


Rejoice Radio [RBN] A Ministry of Professional Actors and Actresses Ripping off the Gullible and Robbing the Stupid Blind.

November 17, 2012

My fellow Christians : Do you really  know anything about  the personalities you  listen to everyday on REJOICE RADIO?   How well do you know a certain well-known celebrity ,whose distinctive  voice is frequently heard  belting out  her latest Gospel  hits, or introducing various ladies’  conference speakers to the RBN listenership; and who is commonly   referred to as Rhonda Autrey?

Well, this remarkable lady is an accomplished actress ,and she’s good at what she does.  She’s so good that she earns some extra bucks  for herself on the side ,  teaching this art form to the students at Pensacola Christian College.

 EXHIBIT  A:…From her former students.




Rater Interest5

“Miss Autrey is an incredible teacher and actress. I remember one day I was unable to finish a scene on stage because I was ill & she jumped right up & finished it much better than Iever could. She is understanding & patient. She cared about the person most, and that is paramount. She has a tough exterior but is one of the most real people I know.

Ms. Autrey is a phenomal speech teacher. I have continued in theater because of the confidence i gained in her class. I also am not afriad to speak infront of large crowds due to her excellent guidance and teaching.”
  • Professor Rebuttals
  • Easiness1Helpfulness2Clarity3Rater Interest4

    “Difficult teacher to work with. Letter of law attitude. Requires students to do it *her* way rather than let an individual’s gift flourish in its own way. Suspicious of those who think for themselves or take a fresh approach. Threatened by Stanislavski approach to acting. Nice lady, good ‘basices’ teacher. For upper level wouldn’t recommend.”

    Add to this the fine acting talents of Mr. Craig Mattson ,and you can see clearly the kind of scam operation the Christian Community has been dealing with all these years.

    Rejoice Radio [RBN]also puts her to good use ; taking advantage of her talents to put over the mindless idiots  in their  listenership, the  need to donate their hard-earned money into the Rejoice Broadcast   Radio  Network; and thereby guarantee for themselves a prominent position in the Heavenly  Kingdom.

While there is nothing wrong with teaching this skill to others ;nor is there shame in earning a living thereby ;but it is the height of chicanery to use one’s acting abilities to pretend to be something other than what one really is.

In the  case of Rhonda  Autrey ,this devilish woman has used her  singing voice to earn millions of dollars on behalf of the RBN organization, and many millions more for herself.  And all the while claiming that she is  part of a Christian ministry, that is in dire need of financial support from the Christian Faith community.   

HEEEERE’S RHONDA: Send this bow-wow a can of ALPO to use  ,while downing her  mojitos by the trayful.

Rhonda Autrey  :This gal is an exceptionally wealthy singer and well-known celebrity in the world of Christian themed music ;and yet, she has the temerity to come on the air during the course of the day’s musical presentation ,to make a scripted pitch for more money.   This woman is shameless for the callous disregard and contempt she holds the listenership of Rejoice radio, to make her poorly rehearsed appeal for your dough ,while many parts of the country are still feeling the effects of  SUPERSTORM SANDY.!

Rhonda has used her tremendous acting skills to convince the gullible and trusting among the listenership that RBN is  listener supported ,which is a lie conceived in the pit of hell.  She also uses her acting ability to plead for money ,claiming that RBN is about to go broke due to a lack of funds to pay end of month operating expenses ,or for the airtime expenses. Airtime they get for free,thanks to the generosity of the F.C.C. and the American people.

At some point the Christian community must come to the only logical conclusion : that   they have been victimized by a bunch of clever charlatans pulling the wool over their eyes for decades.  

At some point ,the gullible morons who make up the vast listenership of REJOICE RADIO will have to understand that they have been subjected   many years, to nothing more than  Play Acting.  No ministry, no Eternal Rewards in any mansion in the sky ; it’s all been a sorry example of what happens when radio listeners fail to connect the dots and fail  to see these lying bastards for what they truly are.

Thanks in no small part to clever ,scheming and cunning actors and other various accomplices ,they have turned REJOICE RADIO into a demon inspired money-making machine ;all the while mocking the Lord and his Gospel.

But the venom doesn’t stay in the mouths of Rhonda or Craig ,it spreads out to all the other gifted celebrities you listen to on  a daily basis. They want in on the action. They want to grow rich day by day. And all thanks to you ;that is, all the morons in the Baptist/Evangelical/Fundamentalist faith community.   Now, this gang is not alone ,nor is it  especially unique in so far as frauds in Televangelism or Christian radio are concerned.   This scheme is designed  to vary the pitch, in order to keep the imbeciles in their audience off-balance.

And this is why you hear the other demon inspired co-conspirators of this fraudulent enterprise. Just listen to Dr. Don Smith who conducts his clever scam operation called THE FAMILY PRAYERTIME RACKET. You hear  his  pitch and presentation during the midday hour slot.

Dr. Don Smith

Don Smith is one of the best actors and a very  accomplished phony baloney on Christian Radio today!   He pretends to pray for the sick and disabled and invites listeners to mail or hand in their prayer requests at the front desk; and he will pray for healing and deliverance. What a RACKET this lying bastard is putting over the credulous.    Once his 12 minute on the air time slot  is finished ,and the pleadings for prayer and donations are done and over with  ,this jackass gets up and runs to the mailroom to sit and wait for the mail to arrive.   Once the mailbag is opened ,he sorts out the envelopes addressed to his phony FAMILY PRAYERTIME  MINISTRY and pulls out  the cash ,which he immediately pockets, and then bundles the checks and money orders  to be sent to the accounting department where Tonita Ohms sits and  tallies  the incoming receipts . She then divides the amounts equally in four parts ,to include the four main facilitators of this on the air deception.   The letters pleading for prayer and assistance are stapled together and either sent to the shredders or the Jolly Green Giant: the dumpster at the back end of Pensacola Christian College. All names are scanned to create a valuable mailing list ;which also is a significant source of income for these blood sucking vultures.

  Now you know why Craig  Mattson ,and the other well-trained actor  ,Jimmy Mince are never far away . They seem to appear as if by  magic ,right after Don is done and the mailman arrives ,a couple of hours later.. The checks and money orders are quickly deposited to the various bank accounts of the inspired charlatans; and so another day another dollar for these clever tricksters, jokers and well-trained actors and pickpockets. All of whom ,pretend they are feeding and nourishing your soul!  What a cruel joke!

The only way to see these jokers for what they are is to understand how NON-Profits are used by the unscrupulous to enhance their financial status at the expense of the overly trusting Christian Faith Community.


Conversion and Self Dealing:..  This technique is often used by scam artists operating out of Christian Radio broadcast Studios such as the  Rejoice Broadcast Network  out of PENSACOLA,FLORIDA

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, “IRS rules do not bar transactions between a nonprofit group and a business that is owned or controlled by the same person, a practice known as self-dealing.”   Self dealing is one of the key methods that fraudulent nonprofit executives use to enrich themselves. Here’s an example of how it works:

A televangelist owns a for-profit company that publishes all of his books and DVDs. Then he sells the books and DVDs at full retail price to his nonprofit rather than at a discount or wholesale price. A televangelist can use this technique to excessively profit from his nonprofit organization.

“And so, the aim and goals of any of these scam jobs is to create an UMBRELLA under which every financial scam imaginable can pass the Gospel,Religion Non profit test ;and given the lack of oversight ,this also flies through with flying colors.” ….. from a earlier entry.  .. After reading this ,how can anyone ever have an ounce of respect for Craig Mattson or any of the other clever and glib sounding jokers ,pretending to be  part of a ministry?

What you need to further stay on guard for, are all the hangers-on such as Ken Ham, Ian Taylor ;all the crazies that come at you from the INSTITUTE FOR CREATION RESEARCH .   These  characters all claim to be either biologists ,astronomers, scientists And this upper level of erudition they claim for themselves , brought about by the mysterious process of spiritual osmosis. These are the clever jokers that want you  to understand the ” Scientific basis of the Christian Faith”   And they want to help you to do just that .   

What goes beyond the brains of your average Fundamentalist jerk is that if there were a SCIENTIFIC basis to “Faith ” then it wouldn’t be “FAITH” .

What it all boils down to is that the venomous lies you hear on REJOICE RADIO are nothing more than  the peeling of an onion. The more you peel off ,the deeper  down the spiral staircase of fraud and clever trickery you go.   The best way to understand this is to listen carefully to all the add ons that come at you ,such as; the Don Smith Prayer Racket , the drive time theatrics and THE MORE SINCERE SOUNDING WEEKEND STUFF like the ERWIN LUTZER comedy hour.

This son of a bitch has his act down pat. He employs the Book of Revelations to keep his dumbed down audience in the mood to send in the cash to learn more prophecies that are subject to change.  Prophecies that skilled con artists like Erwin can interpret as they see fit ,and conform to the financial needs of  Erwin’s  ridiculous ministry for Dummies.

It goes on and  on my comrades ,but that doesn’t mean you have to fall for  any of their scam  operations.

Be mindful of another snake in the grass who goes by the moniker: JOHN DUNLAP. This defrocked pastor and phony bible-teacher has his eye out for anything in a skirt. Keep the women folk locked up when this lying bastard comes to town. At least this is what they would put on the signs of all  the Baptist churches in West Texas.   His pitch is designed to catch the  silver-haired old bags,who listen to RBN  and he uses his greasy snake oil salesman sound  of his voice to do it.  . Give a listen to this old-fashioned sounding scam artist and learn from  the   old gray-haired master’s touch… What a joke!

For once we can show that a part of any ministry is fraudulent ,it then follows that the entire operation is  probably  bogus.

One quick listen to the VCY AMERICA produced call in talk show called crosstalk America ,should convince even a low I.Q. type that fraud and chicanery  is part and parcel of RBN. What decent,honest God-fearing ministry would grant free airtime to the flim-flam operators of  CROSSTALK AMERICA?   While there’s financial gain  involved  to be sure ,is this what you would expect from an honest group of people? To help a gang of political racketeers and professional HATE MONGERS?

What would we think if the Billy Graham ministry had  decided to aid the Sicilian Mafia of Chicago with a free conference hall to meet in. And all for a return from their ill-gotten gains. It’s really not that hard to figure out .  And so, if we can see how the RBN gang operates ,it stands  to reason that all who work for this enterprise are equally corrupted.

And so ,my comrades ,if you should hear RHONDA AUTREY pleading for your hard-earned money ,just simply send this BOW-WOW a can of ALPO !  Keep in mind that RHONDA and all the other personalities you hear on RBN  are  incredibly wealthy people. And they have absolutely no need whatsoever for any of your  money. SO WHY SEND IT?

Rhonda lives in a beachside mansion   over looking the Gulf of Mexico ,where do you live amigo? Rhonda , indulges whenever she feel inspired;how many hours a day do you work just to pay the bills.? Rhonda downs mojitos by the trayful; what do you enjoy drinking compadre? Why would you send RBN any more cash ;just to keep Rhonda flying high?

 Use your God-given intellect to sort these things out on your own ,my comrades. For those of you who claim to know and love THE LORD and you say you have met him at the foot of the CROSS; don’t you think you owe him a little bit of intelligence?   Do you really believe he will say: “Job well done ,my good and faithful servant?”   I don’t think so! I truly believe THE LORD will tell you DEPART FROM ME YOU IDIOT!  I never KNEW YOU.

Why would he honor you ? For sending money that eventually winds up in the hands of  his sworn enemies? We know who controls the media ,do you know?

Do you know that all VCY AMERICA and their close allies in Pensacola [RBN] want to do to you is : TO RIP YOU OFF, AND TO ROB YOU BLIND! 

This Thanksgiving ,don’t let this clever gang of  charlatans turn you into a TURKEY .!READY FOR CARVING.


REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK [RBN] offers money making opportunities in the Christian Radio Business. “What’s in YOUR “Binder”.

November 5, 2012

My Fellow Christians:  There’s little doubt that a huge  amount of money can be made in the Christian Radio Broadcast business.  The best proof of this can be seen when you add up all the many hundreds of  stations on the radio dial ,operating coast to coast. But when you include all those serving the local markets ,the numbers add up dramatically  into the many thousands.

The money made by these clever and crafty  pseudo-Christian religion  frauds is enormous; and in fact ,requires little in the way of education or skill.  The way it usually works is relatively simple, and not much different in the way one  starts any  business.  But you do need money.    And the red tape associated  with F.C.C. licensing  , and what with all  of the related Non-Profit  compliance requirements, is something that the salivating vultures in the Christian Religion business are only too happy to handle. It’s really a piece of cake for these low life bastards.

And to be sure, investors are not hard to find. In fact ,you will ordinarily find thousands eagerly waiting to back up any non-profit ,religion oriented enterprise ,as long as the terms of agreement are complied with, by all the skillful teary eyed con-artists ,posing as promoters of the Good News Gospel.   The only Good News these vultures want to hear is the sound of envelopes filled with cash or checks, being opened inside their conveniently located mail room. 

  And it does take a clever and skillful administration staff to pull it off. The skill required is nothing more than knowing how to read a well written script ; the ability to emote with the  listenership; and  probably the most important ingredient in this concentrated solution of  lies and deception is to have   a credible and  sincere sounding voice.  None of this is hard to practice and perfect but the rewards are fantastic and well worth the time and effort.

And so, things start to move. The early efforts of the enterprise  are designed to gain a following :one that will buy the DVD.s  and printed material offered  from time to time. The money made from the credulous dupes is used for public relations and a greater public presence.

And so, the greater the appeal,the greater the cash flow. At some point ,the gang attempts to add some other features to the overall content of the scam ,by introducing featurettes such as :creation moments ,Back to Genesis ,back to the Bible and so on. All designed to ensnare the exceptionally gullible    six-day creation crowd.

Other add ons may include an appeal to all the sun belt seniles residing in the bible-belt ,as we see living within the parameters of the highly successful but very fraudulent Rejoice Radio Enterprise.  Even a college  enters the cauldron of con-artistry.    As laughable an idea that may be,  it’s really the GOLDEN GOOSE in pseudo-religion fraud,  tracking  its way across the fundamentalist fruited plains of America.

Now , we’re talking serious money ,as the wallets start to open and a cadre of non-accredited jokers begin putting over the minds of the easy to cheat ,the idea that they offer a Christian Education for an economical price.    This really takes the cake!

The focus of all this is to pay back the original investors and to attract many more. And as before ,it’s easy to do.  And so, the aim and goals of any of these scam jobs is to create an UMBRELLA under which every financial scam imaginable can pass the Gospel,Religion Non profit test ;and given the lack of oversight ,this also flies through with flying colors.

And now the truly despicable in fraud and deception enters into the equation.  This clever and cunning sleight of hand swindle is so evil ,it could have only  been concocted inside the brain of a demon.   The scheme is to hire the wealthy money bag investors of the Christian Broadcast Network and to list them as Investor participant employees ,therefore allowing them to draw any salary they feel they can get away with.  And the employee benefits are generous ;including ,health ,pension and unlimited use of REJOICE RADIO’S PRIVATE JET.

Those living in Pensacola ,jokingly refer to it as the  flying whorehouse.  And often quick flyovers are often made to avoid the prying eyes of the locals . GET THE PICTURE?  AND FOR CERTAIN, BETHANY CRAWFORD GETS A GOOD WORK OUT :   poor baby works hard for the money.

When a non-scheduled fly over is announced to all the depraved scum of humanity working at the REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK ,they all break out in song. Their   favorite is I’LL FLY AWAY.

I’ll Fly Away“, is a hymn written in 1929 by Albert E. Brumley and published in 1932 by the Hartford Music company in a collection titled Wonderful Message.  Brumley’s writing was influenced in part by an older secular ballad.

“I’ll Fly Away” has been called the most recorded gospel song  and it is frequently used in worship services by Baptists, Pentecostals, Nazarenes, the Churches of Christ and many Methodists 

Keep that in mind ,the next time they play: ‘I’ll Fly Away”.   you will know what the clever cheats and swindlers are up to. 

Keep that in mind,my comrades,when you hear them touting their demands for money, based on

the need to cover their end of month operating expenses. Remember how they use the non-profit scam to live high on the hog ,the next time they clain that they are “LISTENER SUPPORTED”

These are the lies that RBN is founded on. And the inventor of this pack of lies is Jimmy Mince: the kid that reminds you that;”You can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them”.


  And so the slow but steady process of broadcasting all the recycled sermons they can  scoop  up , and the old-fashioned Gospel musical repertoire is put to effective use.  And because the listenership is transient ,few hang around long enough to detect the lies,the deceptions ,and the skillful way they defraud the public. With these con artists you need to learn how to connect the dots.

Few are able to understand the counter intuitive anomaly of  hearing THE REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK calling itself a Christian ministry, while providing free air time and proudly boasting of their affiliations with a gang of well-known hate mongers and political swindlers ,operating under the name of THE VCY AMERICA BROADCAST NETWORK . This gang has no ideology ,religious or otherwise. Their god is Mammon and their worship services consist of stuffing the belly. 

 THIS INCLUDES the guests that show up to spew their bankrupt ideologies ,in the hope that some poor stupid listener will click the donation button on their miserable websites and send them dinner money.

David Butters

Day after day…such fear mongering and hate of those of other traditions and backgrounds. The on air personalities have the longest lists of fears that I have ever seen…Muslims, gays, public schools, Democrats, the United Nations, “heretics,” Obama, immigrants, Hollywood, contemporary Christian music, and more.

It seems people are seeing these  incredible scam artists for what they are.

But few of the listeners to their FLAGSHIP operation called CROSSTALK AMERICA, are smart enough to understand the irony involved in hearing  nothing but hatred for Mormons and Catholics over the years ,but now the con artists in charge of  VCY  AMERICA  are forced to support the election of a  MORMON  AND A Roman Catholic to  the highest offices in the land.  Hubris has a way of hitting them square in the face.

  But with the more socially acceptable[ RBN ]Christian Radio business ,their  ultimate goal is to create a financial umbrella  ,completely impervious to the need for donation money. That’s why all of their  phony share a thons they present, are for show only;  to satisfy the F.C.C. requirements  applicable to so-called NON-PROFIT enterprises. They also  make an effort  to piece together mailing lists  from the callers who pledge   during their week-long share a   thons.  These lists are usually never sold but are rented out to other swindlers , for a period of time. These lists of all the half-educated boobs are priceless.

And so ,once the money starts rolling in :as if they had a license to print it ,or to STEAL it, what’s in it for you my DEAR BAPTIST,FUNDAMENTALIST,EVANGELICAL JERK?

While you help to make these cheats and clever frauds extremely rich ,does your life really improve ? How can you respect  an   organization  such as:  THE REJOICE RADIO BROADCAST NETWORK  that offers you nothing but recycled sermons  ,ripped off from the estates of  long dead preachers; and do nothing but put money into the pockets of clever and cunning grave robbers ,who laugh themselves silly all the way to the bank.

How can you have any  respect for the scheming personalities you hear, on a daily basis, at RBN , who use the cleverly planned musical charade of Christian sentimentality to paint themselves as god-fearing true Christians . But are in fact nothing but clever INVESTORS/ Participating/EMPLOYEES.   And so ,they easily siphon of huge salaries ,expense accounts and end of year bonuses from out of the coffers of their totally corrupted and fraudulent phony baloney pseudo-religion enterprise.

Everything you hear and what you do not hear, is designed to make a psychological impression on all the SUN belt seniles and the delusional imbecilic into believing their future in the celestial kingdom is at risk  if they fail to send in the pledges, they stupidly made last month. 

How can anyone with half a brain fail to see how fraudulent these lying scumbags are when they openly boast of supporting the VCY AMERICA charlatans?   Can anything justify their connection with this politically motivated gang of tricksters?

The truth is that RBN is absolutely hated and  despised in the Pensacola local church community.


This lady runs the finance and accounting department and claims that RBN has ruined their finances and the ability to address the needs of the Pensacola Community.


Michael E. Collins grew up in Milton, Florida and married Pamela Jacobs in June of 1975. They have three adult sons, Jeff, Ben and Matt. Pam is the school nurse at Holm elementary school.

Senior Pastor Michael E. Collins was born again, filled with the Spirit and called of God to leadership in ministry during his adolescent years. Michael attended Pensacola Junior College and the University of West Florida, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts in 1977. In 1979, he received his Master’s Degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. In June 1979, Michael and his wife, Pam, returned to Pensacola to pastor this congregation of Christian believers.

Since Mike’s oldest son Jeff, has Cerebral Palsy and other challenges, he likes working with children that have special needs and understands the challenges facing them and their families. Pastor Collins serves on the Board of Directors of Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen and Globe International. He loves offering personal pastoral care to our growing congregation. He also serves as the Northwest Florida & South Alabama District Overseer and is a Presbyter of Liberty Fellowship.

Mike derives great pleasure working with dogs in obedience training and working with animals of all varieties.

ASSOCIATE PASTOR JERRY IRELAND.  This pastor claims that RBN and Pensacola Christian College have come close to putting them out of business and have financially ruined many of their Charitable outreach programs. And there are many others.

The position of dominance and financial power  that RBN enjoys, not only in the Pensacola area but across the Bible Belt invariably leads to abuse in all its many and varied forms.

After the self-evident financial abuse that routinely occurs at most of America ‘s Christian Radio Broadcast Networks ;This is the next most commonly occurring example of serious abuse in the phony RBN ministry among many others.

 Ted Haggard: I’m Probably What The Kids Call ‘Bisexual’

Rev. Ted Haggard in Rev.  

 , Rev. Ted Haggard addresses the continued assumptions that he’s gay, following revelations years ago that the prominent evangelical had a drug-fueled sexual relationship with a gay male former escort: “I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual.”

But, he told GQ’s Kevin Roose: “I’m 54, with children, with a belief system, and I can have enforced boundaries in my life. Just like you’re a heterosexual but you don’t have sex with every woman that you’re attracted to, so I can be who I am and exclusively have sex with my wife and be perfectly satisfied.”

The profile provides a few other tidbits about Haggard, who resigned from the New Life Church and from his position as president of the National Association of Evangelicals after he admitted to the affair with his male meth dealer, who was also a prostitute.

When Haggard resigned, Roose reports, he signed a separation agreement, drafted by a board of overseers appointed by the church, which “required him to cut off all contact with members of the church, stay away from the media, perform no ministry-related work, and move his family out of Colorado.

Sharon Marshall – Ministry Assistant/Financial Secretary

Welcome to First Pentecostal Church

Thank you for visiting First Pentecostal Church of Pensacola . The goal of our church is to offer strength, encouragement and support in your journey to know Jesus Christ.
Ted was the chief exponent of the family values crowd of happy clappy imbeciles . His situation is typical and  exists throughout the bible-belt. And this includes all the happy jokers running things at RBN!
In fact these institutions are magnets that draw to themselves every form of sexual perversion known to the corrupted mind of man.
A very popular pastime making the rounds on the campus of P.C.C. is the old fill up the  BINDER routine. This is where all the rough and tough macho men  fill up their binders with pictures of  all the sexy incoming coeds.   At the end of the year ,they compare notes and this is how they get their jollies!
My Dear Christian  Mom  and Dad; Do you really want to send your daughter to a college where her privacy is violated?   Do you really want to see her picture in Caleb  Keener’s binder of sexy women?  
Do you really want your daughter or even your son to attend classes in a school where JIMMY MINCE lurks through the halls, setting up spy equipment, to catch your kids in the rest rooms or in their private moments?   Did you even know that JIMMY ,who is known for having an unstable personality,  routinely spies on both the coeds and young men that attend P.C.C.?
Jimmy is a little shy about flashing his nameplate over the air ;but he’s best known by his signature trademark: “YOU CAN’T BREAK GOD’S PROMISES BY LEANING ON THEM”  This bastard is as psychologically abnormal as they come ,yet he has close access to your young son and daughter. just listen to him when he comes on the air over at RBN.
I wonder who CRAIG MATTSON has in his binder of sexy young women and young male students?     I hope it’s not your own son or daughter,but it could be.

October 24th, 2012
This is just one of the many photos in the BINDERS of the big men on CAMPUS at P.C.C.  This is just to give you a good idea of what’s going on at P.C.C.
How do they get away with it?   Well ,it just could be the abject stupidity of the America people who believe everything they hear on the radio. OR IT COULD BE THIS AS WELL .

 VIC ELIASON’S FRIEND AND CLOSE CONFIDANT: Rabbi   Noson, from the birthplace of truth,honestly, and Christian integrity ; Brooklyn , New  York.  The rabbi in chief for the distribution of pornography all over the world.   This could be how these bastards get away with it.

Remember ; unless humanity rids the world of the Jewish World plague ; the Jewish World plague will rid the world of humanity.  THIS HAS BEEN YOUR GOOD NEWS COMMENTATOR bringing you more GOOD NEWS.   Til next time ;GOOD DAY and GOOD NEWS TO YOU!












The Rejoice Radio FALL SHARE-A THON,and after. “You Makes Your pledge and You Pays Your Money”

October 23, 2012

My Fellow Christians:   A nation such as ours that enjoys a brisk business life ,has no  lack of investors  sitting on the sidelines ,waiting for any opportunity to come along ,that will yield a good return on their money.

The  Christian religion business in America ,tied to the clever and manifold  opportunities for fund-raising, is something that  the money-grubbing elements of our society can hardly overlook. The return  on  investment from  these   pseudo religion enterprises usually exceeds Wall Street expectations  derived  from investments made in  the major fortune five hundred indices.  The yield on the street is expected   to be in the ten to   fifteen annual percentile ,but  with  Gospel peddling outfits such as the Ken Copeland ministry ,the sky is  the limit.

 Take a look at this cunning and gifted fraud by the name  of Pastor   Fred Price of Ever Increasing Faith Ministries.     Fred   supports  inner city programs with donors’ money, Church members are apparently not bothered when Fred boasts that “I live in a 25-room mansion, I have my own $6 million yacht, I have my own private jet and I have my own helicopter and I have seven luxury automobiles.”

At least he tells his parishioners about all of his wealth, but many preachers don’t advertise how well they live. The popular Kenneth Copeland of Kenneth Copeland Ministries lives in a large mansion in Texas. He recently asked his audience to help him spread the gospel by giving him $20 million to buy a new jet.  And so it is easy to see how return on capital in the dirty and fraudulent Christian religion business easily surpasses yields derived from normal investments made in the stock market or in real estate. 

  All one needs is access to the public  airwaves ,a few investors to put up the SEED MONEY, and then you hire a few glib and sincere sounding charlatans to make a teary eyed pitch for cash and a compelling plea for you to make an investment for the sake of your eternal  soul; and lo and behold, you have thousands ,if not millions ,of gullible Baptist/Evangelical/ Fundamentalist morons eager to reserve a place  of eternal bliss in their mansions in the sky.

Did you know that pledging and then sending in your hard-earned cash to these vultures will earn you ETERNAL REWARDS?Share-a-thon Invitation

This is a clever and fraudulent money-making device that one would think became passe during the Protestant Reformation.  Then again, what would all the imbeciles that tune in to the Rejoice Broadcast network know about THE PROTESTANT REFORMATION?    The idiots that listen and take them seriously  are from the Florida panhandle ,best known as the wife-swapping capitol of Dixie.

Rejoice Radio Newsletter

Share-a-thon Invitation

Here is how they work the  scam ,follow closely.

Realtor and banker George Michael of Lake Bluff, Illinois, claimed that he converted his 15,000 square foot lakefront mansion worth $3 million into a church so that his disabled wife would have a place to worship. Michael’s neighbors and local government officials claim the home was not a church and that Michael was attempting to avoid paying more than $70,000 in property taxes. After the Illinois Department of Revenue granted a religious tax exemption, local officials went to court to have the tax exemption removed and won in court on July 6, 2009.  

Conversion and Self Dealing:..  This technique is often used by scam artists operating out of Christian Radio Broasdcast Studios such as the  Rejoice Broadcast Network  out of PENSACOLA,FLORIDA

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, “IRS rules do not bar transactions between a nonprofit group and a business that is owned or controlled by the same person, a practice known as self-dealing.”   Self dealing is one of the key methods that fraudulent nonprofit executives use to enrich themselves. Here’s an example of how it works:

A televangelist owns a for-profit company that publishes all of his books and DVDs. Then he sells the books and DVDs at full retail price to his nonprofit rather than at a discount or wholesale price. A televangelist can use this technique to excessively profit from his nonprofit organization.

Pastors Mike and Elaine Millé of White Dove Fellowship in Harvey, Louisiana, purchased property costing $850,000 in August 2007 and sold the property to their church about 90 days later for $1,229,112 for a profit of $379,112. This transaction is not just an example of self dealing, it is also flipped property fraud. After learning of the transaction, the Trinity asked the IRS to investigate the Millés and White Dove Fellowship.  

Excessive Compensation

Nonprofit organizations in the United States can lose their tax-exempt status and be required to pay excise taxes if employees receive excessive compensation. Yet this rarely happens. When the Charlotte Observer investigated compensation for charity executives, it reported, “Most years, fewer than 10 of the nearly two million U.S. nonprofit leaders are penalized for receiving excessive compensation.” The newspaper also noted that there is “roughly one enforcement agent for every 4,000 tax-exempt groups nationally” so very few nonprofit organizations get audited.

The Charlotte Observer reported that televangelist David Cerullo of The Inspiration network “was paid nearly 1.7 million” in 2008. However, the newspaper left out that Cerullo received $331,881 in nontaxable benefits that year.

Cerullo has the highest compensation of any religious broadcaster in the United States that files 990 forms with the IRS. Churches are exempt from filing so some mega church pastors and televangelists are refusing to make their compensation public. Kenneth Copeland doesn’t disclose his income but has bragged that he is a billionaire.  

This is just the tip of the iceberg ! 

Imagine the criminal and perverted brain that goes into swindling those in the Christian community who are unable to discern fact from fraud. Imagine the demented personality one needs to use the Gospel of the Living Christ as a means by which to cheat and trick the gullible out of their hard earned money. 

  Imagine how depraved someone has to be ,to claim that he or she is a Christian ,in  order to use the name of JESUS as an instrument of fraud and deception and GRAND LARCENY!  To make HIM a “share partner “in the fine  art of financial deception.

May they all burn in the black flames of Eternity.

This is exactly what you are dealing with every time you tune into the Rejoice Radio musical game of scriptural charades . This  pseudo-on the air ministry is as fraudulent as the day is long.

And without the financial support that comes from the generous  morons who  believe their well crafted pitch ,these filthy lying bastards would shrivel up and fly somewhere else;Singing “I’ll Fly Away. ”

Without the profit motive that comes with operating a so-called NON-Profit. the high roller  investors would be unable to receive  the  amortization and compound interest  on the SEED money they extended to these criminal minded sons of bitches and quickly, clever charlatans like Caleb Keener and Jimmy Mince ; the   ‘you can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them’ kid , would be out of a job.  Craig Mattson would have to surrender his membership at the Pensacola Country Club and possibly move into an inner city school district ,teaching the ABC.s to the underprivileged.   

Life would be hard for these callous jokers who enjoy the art of swindling the helpless idiots eager to believe their cunning and clever scam operation.

Don Smith ,the  old buzzard  who runs the FAMILY PRAYER TIME RACKET would probably go back to collecting cans and learn to live modestly and not as a privileged aged Mafia Don.

This has been your GOOD NEWS COMMENTATOR bringing you more GOOD NEWS. Until next time,GOOD DAY and GOOD NEWS TO YOU.

REJOICE RADIO[RBN] VCY AMERICA Broadcast network and related ministries are A HOUSE OF MERCHANDISE and a DEN of THIEVES.

October 13, 2012

My Fellow Christians :   I reject the notion ,widely held inside the   circles of  upper level elitist Christians ,that all those on the lower half of the Christian totem pole ,who find themselves the victims of abuse and financial swindle, as being somehow deserving of their fate. 

The thinking  in these cliques of Christian folk ,who subsist on the  rarefied air of exclusivity, is that if the less astute and  half-educated  inside the Faith Community are so stupid as to believe the deceptive and ridiculous claims made by all the parasitic religion hustlers ,then they deserve to get  whatever  abuse and financial swindle that comes their way.   TAKE YOUR PICK ,ANY CARD in the deck.

My Christian people, as a life long Christian and as one who has never wavered from the basic tenets of the Christian faith , I find this position totally abhorrent and unworthy for any true believer to accept.  All  believers  are duty bound to defend the rights of all Christians ,even the least among us. 

  And if I  failed to warn you of all the clever and deceptive practices being used against those who lack the ability to intellectually defend themselves against the demonic inspired charlatans, who cleverly manipulate the  Christian radio broadcast networks, and all those spreading their lies and  con jobs as televangelists ,then I would be no Christian.

Spring Break 2010 In Panama City Beach PhotosTHIS IS PENSACOLA,FLORIDA.

Share-a-thon Invitation

Share-a-thon   Oct. 2–5, 2012

Across America and around the world

The prayers and gifts of faithful monthly share partners make it possible for us to continue providing Christ-honoring music and programming. As you pray about the commitment the Lord would have you make, here are a few things to consider:

Since we do not sell advertising or charge for air time, your faithful monthly giving keeps listener-supported Rejoice Radio on the air in your area.






Pensacola Country Club
1500 Bayshore Drive
Pensacola, FL 32507Private Club


Pensacola, FL

 Severe Weather Alert

Mostly Cloudy


Hour-by-hour | 10-day

Pensacola Country Club

When this organization announced their share a thon , I decided to listen with paper and pen at hand, to take notes of all the  lying double talk , and false  presentations they would make ,to better inform you ,my comrades ,of the  crafty and cunning falsehoods these criminal minded religion racketeers would be pitching.


Here you see  only a few of the lucky ones ,who  work answering phones, during the many share-a-thons that REJOICE RADIO puts on and over the imbeciles in their listening audience.

 Can’t you see the look of satisfaction these dear people have on their faces? This comes with knowing they did a job –well  done.   .. The look of pure joy! ..Can you guess which one of these ladies is SUE from HERMISTON, who calls in to the CROSSTALK CALL-IN TALK SHOW ;put on by the clever cheats and swindlers operating  from the VCY AMERICA STUDIOS??

After using up two full sheets ,I decided that it would make little sense to continue .There was in fact nothing new ,but only the usual deliberate and well-organized litany of trickery and sweet talk. The entire share a thon ,never ventured beyond their usual distorted claims that they are LISTENER SUPPORTED; and the constant never-ending need to cover the costs of OPERATING EXPENSES.   

Included were the expected testimonials of all those supposedly calling in with their pledges of money . I say supposedly because they offer no proof  of the number that called. Many of the pledges that were read over the air ,had been called in and read before,earlier  in the day.

Pensacola Country Club



 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. :You cannot donate money to earn rewards in the pie in the sky!

Here of course is the verse of scripture they conveniently chose to drop from the four-day swindle  . But instead chose to pitch you the following scripture :

<< Luke 6:38 >>

New International Version (©1984)
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

What is well-known  but  hidden from the public, is that the above scripture is the most frequently used by every fly by night pseudo-Christian religion hustler to scam the credulous out of their hard-earned money. And it should be noted that the staff working their scam at RBN also use this pitch on a routine basis.

 Con Artist


Dr. DeYoung Shalom!And thank you for visiting, home of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung’s ministries.Jimmy DeYoung is a prophecy teacher and journalist who travels the country and the world educating the Body of Christ of the future events foretold in God’s prophetic Word.His goal is to equip Christians with the knowledge and understanding of what God’s Word says will happen someday soon, so that they can make better decisions today.Jimmy DeYoung has several ministries to this end.Click the Links on the left to learn more about Jimmy DeYoung Ministries


You see ,these callous swindlers and professional liars want you to believe that giving them your money is good for you to do, and that you will reap great rewards in the afterlife if you support them. Of course they tell you ,that you are supporting a good Christian ministry ,interested in saving souls . But anyone can simply say the same thing. The truth can only be seen in  how they live ,and what they do with the money once they get it from the listenership. This is something they will never reveal.

 Donating money  is the Gospel that is preached ad nauseam with the sole objective of subjecting  the listenership of  THE REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK  to overwhelming guilt if they do not “give to the Lord”. 

 All of the con artists you hear on Christian Radio  at one time ,appeared side by side with Jim and his evil wife Tammy ,extolling the  virtues of the PTL ministry.  They all took their turns in front of the camera declaring their love for the Lord and their determination to spread the Gospel all over the world. jim-tammy.bakker.jpg
But reality would show quite a different story . For once these scumbags were caught in their lies and deceptions, it became painfully clear, that these jokers were involved in  one of the oldest con-jobs in the world ,and were nothing but clever and very gifted swindlers;hustling their  incredibly stupid viewing audience.

Something I have always been troubled by — the concept of giving to the Lord.  Am I giving to  charlatans who are skillfully posing as men of God or am I giving to God?  Contributing to  the  coffers of RBN  is only used  to finance the extravagant lifestyles of  a gang of cheating and swindling businessmen , and not to help the needy communities of Pensacola. .  Of course these fraudulent organizations will set up phony ministries as front to their real intentions.  In some cases charities  will be set up — which only receive a fraction of   the  money they receive.   And the lion’s share [99%] goes to finance  the purchase of BMW.s ,  Luxury condos in Panama City,  trips to five-star resort areas.  This is despicable!

“it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

The only thing these filthy lying sons of bitches will receive running over their heads  is the verdict of GUILTY! “I never knew you.” .. this  verdict   can never be appealed and will send these bastards to burn in the black flames of eternity.

Who is there among us that has never heard of  THE KENNETH COPELAND MINISTRIES?

Here is clearly a criminal minded organization that delights in swindling   all the imbeciles in their ridiculous ministry of fraud  and deception.  READ WHAT FOLLOWS, and if this doesn’t open your eyes to the demonic workings of all these crooks then ,you just may be hopeless.

 The popular Kenneth Copeland of Kenneth Copeland Ministries lives in a large mansion in Texas. He recently asked his audience to help him spread the gospel by giving him $20 million to buy a new jet. Copeland promised that the plane “will never, ever be used as long as it is in our care, for anything other than what is becoming to you, Lord Jesus.”

   ABC affiliate in Dallas, WFAA, took a closer look. Reporter Brett Shipp obtained flight records that revealed that the Copeland jet, on its way to an evangelical seminar in Australia last October, made a two-day layover in Maui. Then it was on to the Fiji islands for another stop.

After seven days in Australia, the Copelands headed to Honolulu for another three days of what  they called “eating and rest.”

Last December, amid other evangelical stops, the airport, just a few miles a jet made the first of two trips to a Colorado way from Steamboat Springs Ski Resort.

And, finally, there was a flight to southwest Texas to a hunting ranch where the Copelands have bagged exotic game over the years

Spokesmen for Copeland  pointed out that they comply with all IRS regulations.


Keep in mind that the liars and professional actors and double talking cheats working the scam at REJOICE RADIO are joined together with Vic Eliason’s operation called CROSSTALK AMERICA!

 The typical radio listeners to the VCY AMERICA crosstalk radio network. I’m NOT SURE WHETHER THIS CHARACTER ON THE RIGHT IS SHAWN FROM CHATANOOGA TENN. or HARRY THE HOMO FROM PORT HURON. I’m really not sure .

They have only one thing in mind and that’s to separate you from your cash.

When any fundraising organization will not clearly and openly reveal where and how the money they  collect is spent and on whom it is spent,then  it’s a huge red flag .  it’s stupid to  donate to any of those ministries.

There’s no point in donating to a ministry that wants to take your money but not tell you a thing about how they’re  going to  spend that money.   It’s a very high probability that there is something terribly  wrong .  The attitude of these low life scumbags is “trust us,”

One point these lying bastards at both RBN and VCY AMERICA continue to make is that in scripture the  Apostles of Christ urged their newly formed churches to pass the plate on their behalf. And so they use such passages to justify their ridiculous extortionist demands for money.


 HERE IS A CANDID CAMERA PHOTO OF BRAD, FROM WEST ALLIS WISCONSIN. THE PROFESSIONAL ASS KISSER  that habitually calls the crosstalk radio call in program produced by the criminal pseudo religion radio hustlers ; VCY AMERICA NETWORK.   They all love this moron. This character is what the jewish media moguls hope all americans will soon resemble.

The average overly trusting dupe in the BAPTIST/Evangelical/  Fundamentalist community will

take that at face value and never question anything beyond what he hears from out of the mouths of all the glib performers putting on their clever and deceitful performances they have perfected over the years.  The average half- educated moron never bothers to ask if the Apostles and their disciples used the money collected for rest and relaxation at the  various  HOT SPOTS in Rome and at Corinth / Or what about betting on the chariot races at EPHESUS?  Or did they use the collected funds for dinner at Tony’s fine Italian dining during their Roman Holiday?

Given that the Apostles were hunted men,and appearing in public could have  led to their execution ,, it stands to reason they would need money from the  church membership  to keep from starving! not only for themselves but for the central church in Jerusalem ,also severely persecuted.

And there’s no end to the big swindle  prepared for you by the tricksters at RBN.. It spreads out into many other areas of Christian Religion concerns such as ;the six-day creation story, used again and again by even more subtle and sinister predator religion  crooks that look into areas of real estate investments.  Get enough idiots to believe in a six-day biblical version of creation  and then you can charge them an outrageous amount of money to visit a CREATION MUSEUM. And if they fall for that scam then why not a NOAH’S ARK  museum ,and so it goes.     Let the morons pay the mortgage note for the land and the imbeciles lining up to look inside can pay for the improvements. And not to mention the rezoning costs.

Want more confirmation ? Add in the Institute for creation research. This gang has been  debunked by   high school biology  students who wonder at the stupidity affecting America’s  adult  population.

THE ICR  also has skin in the creation science swindle game . They drum up the jerks and head them into the lap of one of America’s most notable religion hustler; Mr. Ken Ham. 

Ken Ham’s Adam a Porn Star


In Ken Ham’s Garden of Eden, the lion lays down with the lamb (and the dinosaur), but his Adam, Eric Linden, it seems, lays down with everything in sight. According to the Associated Press, Linden owns a pornographic web site called BedroomAcrobat.

Linden appears as Adam in one of 55 videos featured on visitor tours at Ham’s newly opened Kentucky Creation Museum.

Maybe it’s the video where they take to heart God’s injunction to be fruitful and multiply. Yes  ,porn has been ,and will forever be the bane of All the lying hypocrites pretending to love the Lord for fame and fortune. Don’t follow them,no,not even one!

But credit must be given where credit is due ,even to the devil, and so, let’s give credit to REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK for  all the carefully planned levels of deceit they have assembled, to cheat and trick all the mindless dupes in their large audience.

I mean , where else can you find a better organized gang of cheap religion hustlers than right there in the heart of the Bible belt : Pensacola, Florida ; one of the most degenerate and depraved cities in America.   AND HERE IS WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES!!

 The softer touch you will never hear from the voices of REJOICE RADIO! 

make no mistake about it,my Christian comrades,This is where a good deal of the donation money goes ,that is  sent in to RBN from the share a thon they just concluded. THEY USE THE MONEY SO THEY CAN RIDE DIRTY ,SO THEY CAN RIDE DIRTY!!!

During their fall share a thon ,while Christians were calling in with their pledges, they erroneously believed were to be used for a Christian  ministry,   Caleb Keener was riding dirty with Linda Fannin ,causing the studio windows to steam up. He was ridin dirty just like he was ridin dirty with all the imbeciles in the RBN listenership.

Don’t let the lying scum of humanity working their clever  scams at RBN and VCY AMERICA cheat you. There’s no shame in  admitting you made a mistake . But there is shame in once knowing you were fooled and  to still make the same mistake.

This has been your GOOD NEWS COMMENTATOR ,bringing you more GOOD NEWS . til next time ,GOOD DAY AND GOOD NEWS TO YOU!

! Si  falla la humanidad a eliminar del mundo la plaga mundial de los judios  ;entonces , la plaga mundial de los judios eliminara’    del mundo  la humanidad!.

With just a little spanish lingo for all the DO -DO heads living out there in RIO LINDA!

Listening to THE REJOICE RADIO Share-a- Thon Was a Sickening Experience .Totally Shameless.

October 3, 2012

My  Christian People:   They say that in the Bye and Bye we will all be surprised who we will see and meet and  just as much by all those  who we will not be seeing or meeting.   After listening to the shameless presentation ,offered by THE REJOICE RADIO ,during their FALL FUNDRAISER, they have the  nerve to call a SHARE A THON ;I’m convinced of this   as never before.

 What I heard during the day long game of   spiritual  charades  was nothing more than a bunch of hyenas ripping apart the gullible hayseeds in their listenership : all those who enjoy listening to the happy clappy musical sounds  RBN  plays over and over.

Griffon Vulture


If not hyenas ,then vultures tearing apart road kill , best represent the feeding frenzy that usually goes with any phony fundraising operation.  

I knew that listening to the so-called share a thon would reveal nothing new. Just another in a long series of carefully orchestrated deceptions, designed to trick ,cheat and swindle   all the gullible imbeciles,  who enjoy feeding   their neurosis with clever and ear tickling mouthings. 

Stuff that’s so incredibly deceptive ,it goes beyond the limits of free speech and drops right into the lap of  MR. SWINDLE .

Did you know that pledging and then sending in your hard-earned cash to these vultures will earn you ETERNAL REWARDS?Share-a-thon Invitation 

So ,let’s see. as the scripture says: to be absent from the body is to be present with THE LORD. And the day comes  when the silver cord breaks and you find yourself on that far away strand looking straight ahead ,and for now ,you’re delirious that you made it . Made it somewhere that is.

But straight ahead is the  Dread White Judgement Throne . Hey ,un momento ,por favor,please ,  hey, .something doesn’t quite seem right,amigo.

 And you thought you passed from judgement to Life to be in  the  presence of the  Angelic Horde.

Well ,think  again amigo. But not to worry,after all you had good intentions all your life  ;you listened to the ministry of  VCY AMERICA and believed all the idiotic ravings and rantings they shoved down your throat, and to top it off,you were an active participant  in  the  2012 FALL SHARE A THON , presented to you by THE REJOICE BROADCAST NETWORK.  Now ,this was a real ,honest to God ministry that no one can deny . RIGHT? no ,wrong.

No doubt, they played all the mindless country Gospel stuff like AMAZING GRACE and BEULAH LAND;   and all the other Tennessee Ernie Ford  selections these clever  bastards were able to rip off. And so convinced were you that they were a true Christian Ministry  that  you  sent in your cash donations ;and right on time.  

And so  now, the time  has  come to take them up on their word ;that all who send in their cash to the REJOICE RADIO gang would reap ETERNAL REWARDS. You know the gang: Craig Mattson [clever and thoughtful fast talking  joker ]: Dr. Don Smith [ a teary eyed snake in the grass] Caleb Keener[known by all his colleagues in Christian Radio Circles as the WHITE  PIMP of the South]  : JIMMY MINCE[ this guy would rip off his 85-year-old grandmother ;even if she were blind]; and  all the other assorted street hustlers  they use to sweet talk the mindless cowboy jerks into sending in their shekels.

And now the time has come to see what your reward will be.

And so you approach the White Throne of Judgement, eager to learn   about  your ETERNAL REWARDS    ,but instead you hear” Get the hell away from me,depart from me, you stupid bastard ,I never knew you”

And   you can’t believe what you just heard.   And you ask for an explanation . Maybe they  mistook you for someone else.   You are in a state of shock.   And just at that moment ,you hear someone telling you to turn around, and  to see all the faces you helped to send to HELL.

 And so, you were shown all the faces and   there are so many faces. All burning in hell because of you.  And again you  press for an explanation ,you can’t believe what you were just told ,coming from the white judgement throne. But it must be true.

 And finally you are told that you did nothing for the cause of the Gospel,but in fact ,you helped to diminish it on the Earth, by donating your hard-earned money to a gang of charlatans and swindlers . Con artists who used the money to promote the  vile and sick lifestyle they were addicted to ;living right there in the degenerate and depraved sex drenched capitol of the deep south:PENSACOLA!

The money you sent in  to the scam artists never did anything for the cause of  the Gospel,  ,in  fact it  caused  harm to the True Body of Christ .The money you sent in to these hyenas ,instead of promoting the cause of Christ was used to deceive humanity.The money never helped anyone but the cheats and fast talking jokers, that tricked you into believing that you had a reward coming in the hereafter.

   A reward that you earned by donating to their fraudulent fundraising operations. An operation that always needed more and more money to cover the costs   of  OPERATING     the  operation. GET IT NOW?

And so, after you received the explanation you asked for ,you were escorted into your TRUE REWARD . A place you didn’t really think you would wind up in. But ,too bad , there’s no travel agency down there . No way to change your travel plans ,This is where you will spend your eternity and this will be your just  reward.  You see my stupid BAPTIST/Evangelical /Fundamentalist moron ,YOU GOT TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT IN THE JUDGEMENT!

But you never know. HELL may be just the place they’re looking for, they might prefer it to THE KINGDOM OF GOD.

Here’s what I mean:

The punishment of the serpents in dantes hell  When JIMMY MINCE took a look at this place ,he remarked: 

“Well at least here , I can see something I can press my nose against. .”. And for JIMMY and Craig ,or certainly CALEB Keener, this could be just the place they’re looking for. To each his own as they say. Ever wonder what happened to BETHANY CRAWFORD? Is she still burning and yearning for the souls of AFRICA? Look no further!  Caleb and Craig and all the boys will feel like it’s just  another sock hop in good old PENSACOLA!

YEPPERS,It’s Official: The Rejoice Radio FALL SHARE- A- THON Will Start MANANA:Don’t Let Them Make a VICTIM Out of YOU!

October 2, 2012

My  Dear Christian Folk:    The Road to Jericho is lined with thieves and malefactors ,and for this reason I strongly urge you, to resist the temptation   of becoming just another statistic ,in the long roster of trusting but seriously naïve Christian /Fundamentalist/ Evangelical imbeciles ,who will surely  find themselves cheated and deceived by a clever gang of cunning  Christian Radio Broadcast swindlers. Don’t  allow yourself to be intellectually beaten ,robbed of your money and left for dead.

REJOICE RADIO  {RBN]   transmits   daily , a Christian themed musical presentation they refer to as a bona a fide ministry .  This is the foundational lie that allows them to get a license to broadcast  [from the FCC] :The people’s airwaves.

Obtaining an FCC Registration Number (FRN) from the COmmission REgistration System (CORES)
If you wish to conduct business with the FCC, you must first register using the FCC’s COmmission REgistration System (CORES). Upon registration, you will be assigned a unique 10-digit FCC Registration Number (FRN). This unique number will be used to identify you in business transactions with the FCC. An FRN is required by all Commission systems that handle financial, authorization of service, and enforcement activities. Display the current listing of forms and filings requiring an FRN. Effective December 3, 2001 an FRN must be submitted by anyone doing business with the Commission. The FRN will be used by all Commission systems that handle financial, authorization of service, and enforcement activities.

This is nothing more than a business venture ,whose sole purpose is to ROB YOU BLIND!

As a lifelong Christian and in the capacity of a GOOD SAMARITAN , I feel obligated to warn you that this  organization is not what it seems to be.

In order to better understand the pack of lies this outfit has invented ,you really need to listen carefully to the many props they pull out of the hat to better  impress, the easy to trick.

To do this you must listen and ask questions. Early on, they will make various and sundry claims that are deliberately designed  to sound as reasonable  as any Christian would expect to hear.

In a matter of hours, one of the most criminal fund-raising operations on the CHRISTIAN RADIO DIAL[REJOICE RADIO,RBN] will begin another one  in their      continuous series of scam artist   SHARE A THONS, which is simply a more  socially acceptable way of saying ;they want to wring as much money  out of your useless hides as they possibly   can.Share-a-thon InvitationAND SEE WHAT I MEAN.Where does all the money really go?

And you will never know what hit you.   This is the dream of every con artist on earth; to swindle his victim without giving his hand away.  They want to get in and out ,and having you feel good about giving these cheap hustlers your hard-earned money. Until that is, the moment dawns on you,that you were tricked into believing that REJOICE RADIO is a bona fide ministry, when in fact it is nothing but a bunch of investors trying to get the cash to pay the salaries of all the celebrities


All their claims are flawed and bogus and can be easily debunked. One interesting claim you often hear these con artists make is that they are free of commercial advertising. And that ,to a certain extent seems plausible and even  commendable. Until   you understand the sinister reasons they conveniently fail to tell you about.  It all has to do with the type of Christian themed music they have chosen to be a  permanent part of their programming.

 The  Christian Radio broadcasters who have chosen to play modern ,heavy metal sounding Gospel music  ,are deliberately targeting  a much younger audience . But this demographic has limited financial resources available to donate ; and so,this requires the station to seek funding from private commercial sources:namely.your local ACE HARDWARE or Winn Dixie supermarkets and such.

 The sinister gang of undertakers over at REJOICE RADIO ,operating out of the clandestine broadcast studios located at PENSACOLA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE have an entirely different group in mind to cheat and scam out of their hard-earned money. These clever  jokers  are looking to make a killing off the elderly , the blue haired  social security crowd, and all the sun belt seniles they can sweet talk out of their estates ,their pensions ,and savings. This is where the REAL MONEY is at ;this is how the scam is organized ;and this why you hear the constant drumbeat of :bye-bye and pie in the sky.   Music with lyrics such as: “I’ll Fly Away. Some bright morning.” Or maybe” Beulah Land “is more to your liking.

It’s all designed to trick the delusional and all those with one foot  on  the grave and the other on a banana  peel.. And for this ,they want your constant financial support, to continue living their vile ,disgusting and depraved lifestyle;right there in Pensacola ,one of the more degenerate and sexually deviant cities in America.

THESE ARE SOME OF PENSACOLA’S FINEST SLUTS AND PROSTITUTES THAT HAVE WORKING RELATIONSHIPS WITH MANY IN THE REJOICE RADIO MINISTRY!  Do you want       to continue to support their degenerate lifestyles with your cash donations. These young women all work for hard cash!

And this is why everything you hear on REJOICE radio is designed to appeal to all the elderly.  They are hoping you remember them in your WILL. And then they will let loose   a pack of hyenas to cheat your legitimate  heirs out of every dime these filthy lying bastards can get away with. 

And you thought Dr. Don Smith: the professional senior citizen they stick out to work THE FAMILY PRAYERTIME  RACKET had your best interests in mind. This  tricky son of a bitch is only out to cheat you out of anything the  old  buzzard can get his hands on.

 “We have had some listeners ask about remembering RBN in their will.”  

YEAH RIGHT! ..     .. The vultures operating one of America’s biggest pseudo christian religion scams not only rip-off the living but extort money from the DEAD!


Tonita Ohman: This gal is the bean counter of this clever scam operation called REJOICE RADIO. She sounds as folksy as a 200lb. sack of grits and what I’ve been told she looks it.

I am grateful to have the right kind of music and messages to listen to when so much of what is coming through television and radio today is not worthy. I keep Rejoice Radio on in the background throughout the day, and it keeps me in a good frame of mind as it reminds me Who we serve. Many times I find myself humming a song or thinking about a verse that I heard. It is also a blessing to me to hear from our listeners about how God has used Rejoice Radio in their lives.

“This is a good way to honor the Lord, support His work, and lay up treasures in Heaven.”  from the mouth of one of the radio’s slickest con  gals.   

WRONG! :  This  is a good way to take control of some poor gullible hayseed’s estate and live  high on the hog for many years to come.  I wonder how many of the unsuspecting dupes in the listening audience of REJOICE , really know how rich these clever vultures really are ,or how well they live.

What the dumbed down listener to Rejoice  Radio  never sees  are the many hundreds, if not thousands, of extremely wealthy individuals  who  donate to Rejoice Radio to get political favors from the top-level of this crafty organized religion business.  The radio business in any form is highly influential.

What is left in the dark, are the dozens of very wealthy foundations, religious institutions and political organizations that send millions to these wolves in sheep’s clothing.  And they have the unmitigated gall to claim they are just poor folks ,depending on the good will of their dear and beloved Christian listenership . The biggest lie you will ever hear from out of the mouths of these cheats is  that they are : LISTENER SUPPORTED!

Don’t believe them,not for a minute. It’s all a scam!

Rejoice Broadcast  Radio Network    comes to you everyday from their  studios at Pensacola Christian College and  is one of the best in the business of living high on the hog thanks to all the moronic and gullible  financial supporters to this organized swindle.these hicks the next time you call in with your pledge!


 […this would be the friendly staff who would be very happy to process your credit card  donation or a monthly pledge.  See the look of joy on their faces?  These volunteers have come as far away as  DEFUNIAK SPRINGS ,florida just to help all the religion hustlers working  this year’s  FALL  SHARE -A-THON.

Want more proof ;make sure you follow the  trajectory of the  up and coming FALL SHARE A THON.   The money trajectory ;as always ,you must follow the money.  Their goal is a  quarter of a million . But the phones are not ringing ,they tell you. What to do? The simple truth is they don’t have to ring.   Whatever amount they set as a goal is as phony as the day is long!   All funding they claim to need will be provided by all the high rollers in the Bible Belt . But first ,they want all the loose change that’s out there floating around. And by magic ,whatever  dire and deep shortfall they claim to have, will be miraculously covered in the last few hours of their incredibly cunning and deceitful  con job.  

Isn’t  it interesting that in each and every share a thon they put over the mindless roobs in their audience ,they never fail to get all the money they ask for. And almost all of it during the last part of the programming. Right at the end ,they meet or even exceed their expectations; each and  every time they are way behind and with  so little time left,they still manage to reach their goals. HOW DO THEY ALWAYS DO THAT?

    Check it out . It will run the same course. It’s all about the money they make behind the scenes and leaving you in the blind about it.

As if all this were not enough to  gag a maggot ;there’s more. And it involves the many Country Gospel sounding selections they play for your listening enjoyment. The songs by all those deep-throated cowboy types,those  with the DEEP PIPES.   One song they often play is entitled   :”If you should go and I remain” I wonder how many of you  know it.  I know for a fact that the country western  cowboy singers you hear singing these tunes use many of these songs as part of their comedy routines.

  You see my Dear Christian, there’s nothing to prevent these cowboys from making big bucks singing Christian themed music and to then turn around and use the same songs with some of the lyrics changed in their dark and vile comedy routines they perform throughout the deep south.   And the lyrics are filthy and  mock the living Christ and defile  the Gospel.   ” If you should go and I remain ” is just one of hundreds they routinely use to get laughs out of the inebriated hayseed crowd ,jamming the late night club scene in  Pensacola’s bordello crammed back alleys.

If you should go and I remain, ;well hell,then I can go find me a  couple of hotties and I can start to live again; that is:  “If You should Go and I REMAIN.. ”  It’s all a joke my comrades, and sadly the joke is on all the dumbbells in the Baptist /Evangelical happy clappy crowd.




Rhonda Autrey  :This gal is an exceptionally wealthy singer and well-known celebrity in the world of Christian themed music ;and yet, she has the temerity to come on the air during the course of the day’s musical presentation ,to make a scripted pitch for more money.   This woman is shameless for the callous disregard and contempt she holds the listenership of Rejoice radio, to make her poorly rehearsed appeal for your dough ,while many parts of the country are still feeling the effects of hurricane Isaac.



Every morning I wake to the music of RBN. What a blessing to start my day with music that honors my Savior and helps prepare me spiritually for the day ahead. It’s a joy to work in this radio ministry and it’s also a joy to give to it financially. I believe the impact RBN has around the world is far greater than any of us imagine. Having the opportunity to participate in such a vital ministry that obviously has the hand of God upon it is a privilege. Thank you LORD!


David Barnhart: I wouldn’t recommend anyone   to even consider  buying a used car from this shady looking character.

There’s something that is quite amazing to me about the power of good Christian music. When I tune in the sounds of Rejoice Radio on my drive home from work, I almost always begin to sing along with the beautiful songs of worship and praise. The tension of the day soon melts away; and in no time at all, I find that a spirit of thanksgiving has taken its place. Just as the harp of David soothed the spirit of Saul, the music of Rejoice Radio has ministered to my spirit over and over again.


Linda Fannin: This lady is known all over Pensacola as being a perpetual heat machine. The only thing on her mind is working well with Mr. Caleb during the up and coming fall share a thon . Look for Linda and Caleb to steam up the  studio windows  once again during their deceptive and stimulating boy girl act on this year’s FALL SHARE A THON coming soon to a theatre near you. ADULTS ONLY PLEASE! 

I started listening to Rejoice Radio a few years ago, during a very difficult time in my life. Programs like Into His Likeness and the music spoke to me directly and encouraged my heart. The Pause for a Proverb and Bible Reading helped me to meditate on God’s word during the day. RBN was one of the many tools God used to see me through the storm.


Caleb Keener: And here’s Caleb ,ready and  anxious to get things rolling. Caleb is from the hills and is loved by all the smart and gifted preachers ,all over the Tennessee hill country. And  as far as doing the fall share a thon with Linda ,he say’s : Let’s get this party  going”

The music and programming of Rejoice Radio are a daily encouragement to me in my Christian life. Knowing that I can turn to Christ-honoring music at any time day or night and be lifted up with its message is a real blessing. I support the ministry of Rejoice Radio so my family will be able to listen to good music and programs without having to worry about the message that is being sent.


Rachel Lane : This babe is as phony as they come. Her voice is her best feature and I’m sure all the conniving money-grubbing vultures running things at RBN will choose to put her on again. She is sure to get the cowboys worked up with her cutesy,folksy ,phony baloney theatrics.

Since I began working with Rejoice Radio, I have been greatly blessed by the influence of its ministry. Thinking back over the years, I remember difficult circumstances that God has led my family through. I remember how He often used the inspired songs of faith and the programming that were played on RBN to calm my soul and help me get my focus back on Him. Rejoice Radio is a great tool where I can glean encouragement and inspiration on a daily basis. In my support for RBN, I know that I am not just supporting a radio station, but a ministry dedicated to encouraging people in their service to Christ.


Craig Mattson; I used to think this character was the head of the RBN snake ,  not so,  not at all. His main job is to paint a picture of a well-educated person ,someone you can trust ,someone that instills confidence for all those who  might have doubts about the true aims of Rejoice radio.    Craig is not at all  as he seems. His main interests in life are his golf game and how to improve it. When asked about the music played on RBN ,he commented that he doesn’t allow any of it inside his home. After listening to it all day long ,he has learned to hate it. When asked what he does enjoy ,he stated that now, all he listens to, is classical stuff and a little light jazz. Craig is definitely not the head of the  snake nor is he the tail; just an overly paid stooge.

 There’s a wonderful sense of possibility when you slide behind the microphone. I feel like a farmer casting seeds on a field. I realize, however, that a great deal of the effectiveness of the message isn’t dependent on me at all; the listeners have to contribute as much or even more than I do.


Chad Morehead:  Here’s another  joker who really hates all the music and country Gospel stuff they play on RBN. What’s amusing is  all those who call in to pledge during their fall share a thon never fail to mention how much they love the great music  they hear on RBN.

The programming of RBN truly provides an oasis for the Christian in today’s media environment. I appreciate how that through Rejoice Radio uplifting, Christ-honoring music is always at my fingertips whether I am in my car, at home, or working on the Internet. There are few places where instruction and encouragement for the Christian is so readily available.


Tonita Ohman: This gal is the bean counter of this clever scam operation called REJOICE RADIO. She sounds as folksy as a 200lb. sack of grits and what I’ve been told she looks it.

I am grateful to have the right kind of music and messages to listen to when so much of what is coming through television and radio today is not worthy. I keep Rejoice Radio on in the background throughout the day, and it keeps me in a good frame of mind as it reminds me Who we serve. Many times I find myself humming a song or thinking about a verse that I heard. It is also a blessing to me to hear from our listeners about how God has used Rejoice Radio in their lives.


Nick Ryan: This imbecilic   looking character  is happy to  stay in the background and  is quite content ,just checking  out all the hotties on the P.C.C.  campus .

I appreciate that Rejoice Radio has good, solid, Biblical programs. It is a blessing to think about the enormous impact of Rejoice Radio reaching around the world to listeners everywhere. It is so important that Christians have a Scriptural focus in their lives, and it’s wonderful that Rejoice is helping to fill that need world-wide.


Jeffrey Surgeon: With this moron ,you have to watch the gold in your teeth. His job is to take the money and run. His mind is usually on dinner and drinks at one of Pensacola’s five star eateries. The share a thons have special meaning for him ,mainly because the more money they make during the shake down ,the more this glutton gets to eat.

  It is so wonderful to be able to turn on Rejoice Radio at any hour of the day and be blessed. The music is God-honoring, and many times I am encouraged by the preaching that I hear. What a blessing it is for me to have a small part in helping RBN reach the world for Jesus Christ.


John Weidert; Here you have a truly gifted asset to the RBN hustle. He pretends to invest all the loot they pick up from the idiots in the RBN listenership. He has the contemptible gall to call himself a GOOD STEWARD. The only thing this jackass is good at is checking out the pay for play crowd ,working it, at some of Pensacola’s late night HOT SPOTS.  I wouldn’t trust this bum as far as I could throw him!


 The entire gang pictured here ,has only one thing in mind:and that is how quickly they can present you with enough Pseudo-Christian sentimentality to convince you they are operating a true ministry ;worthy of your financial considerations.  One listen to the contrived and deceptive programming they offer to their listenership on the Rejoice radio  is enough to convince even a blind man.  Give a listen to their upcoming FALL SHARE a Thon. They want you to be ; now here’s a new one : A listener participant. They always try to reinvent the wheel.

All they want is your money, so they can continue living their depraved lifestyle.And if you don’t believe me ,then go ask the blind man ,he heard it AAAAAL.!!!!THESE ARE THE HYPOCRITES … These are only  a small selection of those who want to ROB YOU BLIND!

First  of all , this is by no means an  exhaustive study of all the  clever  con-artistry  taking place all across the Christian Radio Dial . And I would be remiss if I failed to mention  the many other names and personalities involved in making REJOICE RADIO what it has become today: The very template of fraud and  deceit in America ,especially across the length and breadth of the Bible-Belt.

 How can we credit the invaluable work being done ,behind the scenes, by many who are not always present to receive the acclaim reserved for others . These include BETHANY CRAWFORD and the dark and shadowy JIMMY MINCE who now has learned  to read from the Book of Proverbs and delights all the morons and imbeciles in the audience , who find inspiration in all his many wise and thoughtful sayings such as :” You can’t break God’s promises by leaning on them”     With JIMMY BOY you always get your money’s worth. And he appreciates all the checks you send in to him to  keep him in liquor and hard-core porn.  And we appreciate all the work you do for us ,Jimmy , You are a real blessing to any Christian in Pensacola.

And what about all the parasites connected with RBN? How can we give adequate thanks and appreciation to scumbags like Dr. Jew Jew  Mullinex or the sleaze bag : Rev. JOHN DUNLAP. or many of the other defrocked pastors and assorted streetwalkers?  Impossible.

And I would be neglectful, if I failed to express my deepest gratitude to VCY AMERICA for having introduced me to the  REJOICE BROADCAST  NETWORK and all the deceptions heard daily from RBN. What a rare treat and privilege it has been.

My Dear Christians : Remember this :that charlatans and swindlers gravitate toward each other,and together they plot on how to trick and cheat you out of your hard-earned money. So when you see the swindlers over at VCY AMERICA ,connected by the hip to RBN ,it is a safe bet that they are both playing the same game.  In fact any of the guests appearing on CROSSTALK AMERICA are  sure to be liars and cheap hustlers ,trying to make a fast buck off the morons listening.   It goes to the old adage that: Birds of a feather flock together.

When all the scam artists working at REJOICE RADIO refer to themselves as a MINISTRY ,they really mean  they are  an organized    scheme to  defraud the listenership. When they talk about the need to fund their non-existent OPERATING EXPENSES ,what they are really asking is for you and all the other gullible idiots in the BAPTIST/EVANGELICAL/FUNDAMENTALIST community to pay their huge salaries.   Do you really feel obligated to do so? Are you really that stupid?

When Bethany Crawford says  RBN has made a big difference in her life,what she really means is that WORKING IT in a safe environment has its advantages. And the pay is good and steady.

This has been your  GOOD NEWS COMMENTATOR bringing you more GOOD NEWS ,Til next time GOOD DAY and GOOD NEWS TO YOU.